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Computer Sciences Practice MCQ Page 21

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 Computer Sciences Practice MCQ Page 21 Empty Computer Sciences Practice MCQ Page 21

Post by Admin Tue Jan 05, 2016 11:27 pm

Question: 291   Which not true for primary storage?

  1. Information must be transferred to primary storage
  2. it is relatively move expensive
  3. it allows very fast access to data
  4. it is a part of the CPU
  5. All of the above are true.

Question: 293   Track per drum on magnetic drum storage unit may be as low as

  1. 12
  2. 40
  3. 64
  4. 100
  5. 144

Question: 294   Track per drum on magnetic drum storage may be as high as

  1. 144
  2. 220
  3. 512
  4. 800
  5. 6144

Question: 295   Packing destiny on magnetic drum is of the order of

  1. 20 bits/cm
  2. 100bits/cm
  3. 400bits/cm
  4. 1000bits/cm
  5. 500 bits/cm

Question: 296   The' cupping ' in connection with mag tapes means

  1. transverse curvature of tape due to liquid contacting is surface
  2. dents due to dust particles
  3. distortion due to excessive tension
  4. cup shape deformation after excessive use
  5. excessive stretching due to jam up

Question: 297   The most common input device used today is

  1. Motherboard
  2. Track ball
  3. Scanner
  4. Mouse
  5. Keyboard

Question: 298   In OSI network architecture, the dialogue control and token management are responsibilities of

  1. session layer
  2. network layer
  3. transport layer
  4. data link layer
  5. non of the above

Question: 299   In OSI network architecture, the routing is performed by

  1. network layer
  2. data link layer
  3. transport layer
  4. session layer
  5. non of the above

Question: 300   Which of the following performs modulation and demodulation?

  1. fiber optic
  2. satellite
  3. coaxiai cable
  4. modem
  5. non of the above

Question: 301   The process of converting analog signals into digital signals so they can be processed by a receiving computer is referred to as ;

  1. modulation
  2. demodulation
  3. synchronizing
  4. digitising

Question: 302   How many OSI layers are covered in the X.25 standard?

  1. two
  2. three
  3. seven
  4. six
  5. non of the above

Question: 303   Layer one of the OSI model is

  1. physical layer
  2. link layer
  3. transport layer
  4. network layer
  5. non of the above

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