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Computer Sciences Practice MCQ Page 9

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 Computer Sciences Practice MCQ Page 9 Empty Computer Sciences Practice MCQ Page 9

Post by Admin Tue Jan 05, 2016 11:54 pm

Question: 85   In computer jargon, wetware means human intelligence

  1. any organic intelligence
  2. artificial intelligence
  3. high intelligence
  4. none of the above
  5. all of the above

Question: 86   In March 1991, Hannover in Germany hosted an outstanding exhibition of information technology covering computer software, office automation, personal computer, telecommunications, security equipment etc. along with C- technologies.What is meant by C-technologies?

  1. CAD
  2. CAM
  3. CIM
  4. all of the above
  5. none of the above

Question: 87   The availability of low-price mini-computers is largely responsible for the current interest in

  1. real-time processing
  2. batch processing
  3. distributed processing
  4. transaction processing
  5. none of the above

Question: 88   A digital computer is superior to an analog computer in terms of

  1. cost , speed and space requirements
  2. cost, accuracy and versatility
  3. cost, speed and accuracy
  4. all of the above
  5. none of the above

Question: 89   A name or number is used to identify of a storage location is called

  1. a byte
  2. a record
  3. an address
  4. all of the above
  5. none of the above

Question: 90   A word processor is used for

  1. scientific and engineering calculations
  2. producing graphs, charts and maps
  3. routine office correspondence
  4. business calculations
  5. none of the above

Question: 91   Abacus was first of all used by the country

  1. USA
  2. Japan
  3. china
  4. France
  5. none of the above

Question: 92   The most commonly used standard data code to represent alphabetical, numerical and punctuation characters used in Electronic Data Processing system is called

  1. ASCII
  3. BCD
  4. none of the above
  5. all of the above

Question: 93   Ergonomics is study of

  1. cost relationship between computer hardware and software
  2. different computer operating system
  3. gradation of various computer professionals
  4. human aspect of the environment around the computer system
  5. none of the above

Question: 94   To process data, the data processing machines need to be feed with

  1. only data
  2. only instructions
  3. data and instructions both
  4. none of the above
  5. all of the above

Question: 95   In which of the following terminals the screen is regarded as an array of pixels, where each pixel is either on or off?

  1. character map terminal
  2. bit map terminal
  3. RS-232 C terminal
  4. all of the above
  5. none of the above

Question: 96   A computer

  1. is an intelligent machine
  2. can get tired easily
  3. may forget if you give it too much data
  4. none of the above
  5. all of the above

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Join date : 2011-04-02
Age : 44
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